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PHYT For Function 12 Core Competencies for Pain Health and Aging.

Dec 21, 2021


PHYT For Function 12 Core Competencies. While none of these competencies are independent of another we believe progressive focus on each stage builds future success and progress towards goals of pain reduction, health, and aging.  


The 12 competencies. 

  1. Discipline
  2. Pain 
  3. Autonomic Nervous System
  4. Breath
  5. Posture
  6. Pelvic position
  7. Spine Position
  8. Transitional Freedom
  9. Extremity Expression
  10. Cardio and muscular endurance
  11. Strength and Power
  12. Sports and Skill 

1. Discipline

  • This is a never ending goal but without it nothing else really matters.  The best programming in the world is just pretty theory and words if you're not doing it. You must find a way within you to prioritize the things most important to you.   Consistency is going to beat great programming every time.  Great programming, that has a purpose, will help you find meaning and build consistency.  When it comes to exercise we know that exercisers tend to make better decisions about continuing to exercise so once you get going it will be easier and easier to continue. 

2. Pain

  • Pain is our trump card. When its there it can trump movement and posture. If acute pain is on board we will show you how techniques to beat the trump.  

3. Autonomic Nervous System Balance

  • The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic or "fight and flight" and parasympathetic or "rest and digest."  You obviously need to be able to get into and out of each. Living in only one world can be detrimental to the way you feel and perform. 

4. Breath

  • Breath is an amazing overlap in systems.  Your breathing is controlled the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is unique in that it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system but is one of the things we do have some voluntary control over as well.  This gives us avenue to tap into the autonomic nervous system.  We also have the diaphragm and other accessory breathing muscles that can effect our posture as well. 

5. Posture

  • Our posture, both static and while walking, can give us clues to your preferred movement strategies.  Preferred movement strategies might be a result of genetic body shape, pain, previous injuries, training history, or job demands.  Non-typical posture is not always a bad thing and we always want to discuss the effects of changes in posture.  

 6. Pelvic Position

  • The hips and the pelvis are essential to maintaining posture.  From Breathing to sitting and standing the pelvis is at the base of it.  We want to build awareness to our pelvic position to help us achieve the remainder of our movement and postural competencies. 

7. Spine Position

  • The spine is controls all of our power lines.  The nerves that control all of the extremities and organs travel through our spine. Protecting it and. normalizing its ability to move and stabilize is essential. 

8. Transitional Freedom 

  • Transitional movements or changing positions is where you begin your initial movement freedom.   Think of a child as they develop they learn to prop themselves up and then roll, but when things really crazy is when they can move.  They start to crawl and stand and sit.  We never want to lose the freedom that comes with getting up and down off the floor, walking with proficiency, and so on. 

9. Extremity Movement Expression 

  • With stability and control of the breath, pelvis, and spine we get freedom to do amazing things with the extremities.  We want to make sure you can express full range of motion in your extremities to maximize your ability to do those amazing things.

10. Cardiovascular and Muscular endurance. (Metabolic Flexibility) 

  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosophate) is the energy source inside the cells.  This is what keeps everything going.  Your ability to generate ATP is what keeps the cells and you alive.  We have different energy systems that help us to create ATP.   Different types of exercise utilizes and trains these different energy systems.  We will use multiple workout styles in order to build proficiency in each of these energy systems. 

11. Strength and Power (Bone Density and Muscle Mass) 

  • Being able to move an external weight is an essential life skill.  You want to have the confidence to pick up something or someone without the fear of getting hurt.  In this domain our goal is to build a reasonable amount of strength and power to accomplish 90% of human needs and demands. This does not typically include elite levels of strength or body building status.  Pushing into that last 10% or maximal effort comes with substantial risk.  There are times when it is vital to train that top 10% but,  for the majority of people if it is not an essential skill that your career, future, ability to make money, or sustain life depends on, the risk to obtain that elite level status may outweigh the need.  We have standard levels of strength that we are looking for your to achieve.  If you think you need more let us know and we can have a conversation about the pros and cons of that training style and come up with a program that is best for your needs. 

12. Sport and Skills. 

  • By being a competent mover with reasonable endurance and strength you have the opportunity to pursue new sports and skills. Sport and skill training can be fun, interactive, and learning opportunities that are essential to growth and emotional health.  We encourage you to pursue these things that keep you young, hungry, and thriving. 

Written by Dr. Nicholas Sanders PT, DPT, CSCS, CIDN.  Dr. Sanders is the founder and owner of PHYT For Function where we provide a convenient and simple solution for people to continue to do the activities they love without muscle, joint, or nerve pain.  He is a national instructor for Integrative Dry Needling and Co-Creator of a Neuro-Inflammatory Manual Therapy course. 

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